
Pemanfaatan sampah plastik untuk masyarakat yang tidak mendapatkan penerangan

Nama: Rahmad Febrianto Nim: 21023033 Kelas: 2 TL 2 D4 1. pendahuluan Seperti yang kita ketahui Bersama bahwa di beberapa daerah lampu hanya bisa terjangkau oleh orang yang kaya karena listrik sangat mahal, beberapa orang di Desa – Desa harus menghabiskan 30% uang mereka untuk sebuah Lampu sehingga mereka lebih memilih menggunakan Lampu minyak untuk menerangi Rumah mereka. Banyak Anak – Anak di Luar sana dikelilingi oleh sampah plastik bekas dan mereka tidak punya tempat yang cukup terang untuk mereka belajar dan membuat PR. 2. isi  Sebelum itu sampah plastik yang berlebihan sangat tidak baik untuk Kesehatan. Swara patra, 2013 “penggunaan plastik yang tidak sesuai persyaratan akan menimbulkan berbagai gangguan kesehatan, kareena dapat mengakibatkan pemicu kanker dan kerusakan jaringan pada tubuh manusia”. Maka dari itu Penulis berpikir “Bagai mana cara membantu mereka untuk mengurangi plastik dan membantu mereka  mendapatkan Lampu yang murah di waktu yang bersamaan?” secara tid...

my hobby

Playing games is my hobby since childhood, I always take the time to go to playstation rentals and internet cafes to play games every day, I have played many games ranging from war games, adventures, horror, survival, puzzles and even online games. Resident Evil  The Resident Evil game series is my favorite apart from the interesting games, the storyline and gameplay in this game are also very well arranged because in this game players are required to fight zombies and solve puzzles to uncover mysteries, in this game I also get the atmosphere of playing horror games  , shooting, adventure and puzzle in one game. Umbrellan Corporation  The storyline in this game tells of a zombie outbreak that swept across the world because of a virus created by an organization called the umbrella corporation with a specific purpose such as trying to make biochemical weapons, therefore players are required to stop them.

the difference between 1 phase and 3 phase electricity

1 Phase electricity is an electrical network that only uses 2 conducting wires, the first as a phase wire (L) and the second as a neutral wire (N).  Generally, single phase electricity has a voltage of 220-240 volts that is used by many people.  Usually 1 phase electricity is used for residential electricity, but PLN electricity on the street has 3 phases, but what enters our homes is only 1 phase because we don't need big power and for home appliances we only use 1 phase electricity with 220-240 volts.  For example, the one to our house is Phase R, our neighbor may be Phase S, and another neighbor is Phase T.  3 Phase electricity is an electrical network that uses three Phase wires (R, S, T) and one neutral wire (N) or often called a ground wire.  According to the term 3 Phase Electricity, it consists of 3 live cables and 1 neutral cable.  Generally, 3 Phase electricity has a voltage of 380 volts which is widely used by industry or ...

my future plan

One of my hopes is to become a champion in one of the events, it may look normal but actually to achieve it is not easy, because I have to compete with various great people around the world cat's eye nebula Besides that maybe outer space isn't bad... Hehe.  I really like the universe so vast, even sometimes at night I always look up at the stars and wonder "what's out there?"  & "How big is the universe?"  Even if I can't go there, maybe seeing it directly with a telescope is not a bad thing

talking about past

 I want to tell you about my last vacation.In last vacation, I did a morning run with my friends. At that time we were bored just staying at home without doing anything. So we decided to look for ideas to make this boredom disappear. After a long search for ideas we decided to run in the morning and the goal was at the Japanese monument.  The next day  at 5 o'clock in the morning we gathered at my friend's house because the destination was close to his house. at the beginning of the start we warmed up. after warming up we started walking. while on the way we saw a view of the rice fields and there were lots of cows next to it.  only with about 30 minutes.we got tired from climbing the stairs to get to the monument.  After that we took pictures and relaxed there until around 8 am and we went back to my friend's house. after arriving there we had breakfast together and the food was okay. we talked  talk about holidays at home. after ev...

daily activity

Photo taken at Glaudio's boarding house  As usual in the morning I wake up at 5, the first activity I always do when I wake up for the first time is to stretch my muscles so they are not stiff, after stretching my muscles I tidy up the messy room.  After tidying up my room, so I don't get sleepy, I usually start my activities by sweeping the yard and taking out the trash when a garbage man passes by.  When lectures will be face-to-face I always go half an hour before class time so as not to be late because my house and campus are quite far away, if I want to go to campus by motorbike, usually before going to campus I always stop by Zaid's house to go together  , but if you want to be late, you usually go straight to campus.  After college hours, my friends and I always gather at Glaudio's boarding house, where we chat with each other, play games, have lunch, exchange opinions, or joke together.  It was getting late and I went home with Zaid beca...